The book includes insights from the following experts:

7 Experts On Cloud-Native Security was generously sponsored by Twistlock.

Organizations moving their software assets into the cloud are discovering that when it comes to IT security, they have entered an alternate universe. It’s a place where security objectives have not changed, but the way to achieve them is completely different. Is this a safe place? How are people managing their cloud-native security?

With the generous support of Twistlock, we decided to find out by asking seven cloud-native security experts the following question:

What are the biggest benefits you’ve seen in transitioning to cloud-native security, and what advice would you offer to peers who are interested in leading the transition within their own organizations?

The real challenge is that cloud-native security goes hand in hand with cloud-native app development. It is a work in progress with new technologies and approaches emerging as fast as CICD pipelines can deliver them. Although there is a consensus that cloud-native applications provide an unprecedented opportunity to secure data and processes at a granular level, deciding how best to apply that capability depends on many factors.

These essays contain insightful perspectives on the advantages of cloud-native security, as well as advice on where to begin. I’m sure anyone who is building or thinking about building cloud-native apps will be able to learn from what these experts have to say about their own cloud-native adventures.