Jeanne Meister, Future Workplace LLC, Managing Partner
“The future of work is really the future of worker well-being.”
Jeanne Meister knows that employee well-being is critical to organizational health in a crisis. “What I’ve seen with my clients is the acknowledgment that the world has changed and will never be the same. It’s important to acknowledge the anxiety we’re all feeling and encourage a certain degree of self-compassion.” she says. “The future of work is the future of worker well-being. PwC has a holistic way of defining well-being that includes not only physical well-being but also emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. And now with so many workers being laid off or furloughed HR Leaders we must place employee wellbeing as a priority for our team members as well as for ourselves.”
“The companies that are going to come out of this pandemic and thrive are those that are able to pivot quickly,” she says. “Take care of yourself first so that you can pivot for your team and for the larger organization. We have to be much more prescriptive in providing guidance and suggestions for what we can do as individual workers and what managers of teams can do to promote well-being.”