Richard Davis, Executive Director of IT Security, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Universit
Make Sure the Solution Fits the Environment and the Need
- When modifying any security practice, whether it’s changing emphasis or adopting new or stronger endpoint security tools, it’s important to maintain a holistic perspective.
- You need to know what kinds of data you have on your endpoints, how people use it, understand your risks, and know the worst-case scenario for an endpoint in your environment.
“Honestly, it is extremely trivial in many cases to bypass antivirus.”
For Richard Davis, executive director of IT security at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, endpoint security is a critically important piece of the institution’s overall security strategy. Embry-Riddle has global and online campuses. “Any time you’re dealing with an organization that has global reach and endpoints connected all over the place, you have a large attack surface that presents a special security challenge,” he says. Educational environments are particularly challenging because of the culture of idea sharing and the free flow of information.