Paul Youds, Senior Vice President for Global Workplace Solutions, Firmenich
“We are reimagining the workplace, then reevaluating workplaces in our
buildings. ”
The immediate impact of the pandemic, from a facilities, real estate, and workplace perspective, is the change in behaviors. These changes will drive people to use the workplace differently over time. They will use it in different ways. Attendance will change. The purpose of the workplace will change. So, our first priority is to redefine and reshape our working environments to meet these new behaviors and patterns of attendance.
We then develop our plan based on those changes. We expect a reduced physical presence in the workplace. We then make assumptions based on the implications of that change for our buildings. Then, expanding from the buildings toward the larger picture, we ask ourselves, “What does it mean to our portfolio and our portfolio strategy?” We are reimagining the workplace, then reevaluating workplaces in our buildings. Ultimately, we are rethinking our portfolio strategy. We are working on a
different kind of portfolio strategy moving forward.