Brian Holtze, VP of Corporate Real Estate, Change Healthcare
“In the longer term, we’ll have to rethink the way our office spaces look and how they’re
We are in the process of re-imaging what our workspace will look like to continue to be a more agile, nimble company and culture. I’m not sure that I’m sold on “de-densification,” per se. In the short term, I think it’s about putting the measurements in place so that the office isn’t at 100 percent occupancy.
You may end up saying, “OK, these seats can be occupied. Maintain six feet of physical distance.” You may also come up with something like traffic flows for team members, in which you have one dedicated entrance and one dedicated exit. In the longer term, we’ll have to rethink the way our office spaces look and how they’re used. It’s going to be more about collaboration and getting team members together.
When you think longer term—say, five to ten years down the road—there’s another dynamic worth considering. You’ve got students now who are learning from home. When you think about those people coming into the workforce, they’re going to have a much different mindset about when and how they get their work done than the people who came into the workforce before them.
They’re going to have a different opinion about where, how, and when they do they do their work. I think that’s going to shape things quite a bit. It comes back to the fact that you’ve got to have office space that increases your team members’ productivity.