Brent Maher, CISO, Johnson Financial Group

Endpoint Security Decisions Require a Strategic Approach

  • Mature security organizations refer to a security framework or maturity model when deciding whether to adjust their endpoint-security strategy.
  • It’s important to be certain that the endpoint-security solution you purchase can actually solve the problems you have identified for your specific environment.

“With a strategic approach, you could solve an important problem that you really have, not just a threat you have identified in your program.”

In Brent Maher’s experience, there are two key indicators that may tell you there’s a real need for an increased focus on endpoint security in your organization. “If you’re fielding a volume of security incidents on your endpoints that are beyond what you would expect in terms of your user population, you know it’s time to have a look at your endpoint controls,” he says. That’s something reactive companies would typically do. But mature organizations that are proactively managing their endpoint security also allow their security frameworks to inform their decision-making on a more strategic level.

This is an excerpt from 32 Security Experts on Changing Endpoint Security. The eBook was generously sponsored by Carbon Black.

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