Trustwave: 7 Experts on Security Maturity
The book includes insights from the following experts: Lester Godsey, City of Mesa, CISO, The Security Maturity Discussion Should Be Risk-Based >>Deepak Palakunnath Kunnenkeri, Fuji Xerox Asia PAcific Pte Ltd., Information Security & Audit Manager (RISO),...
Yann Le Moenner: The Tour de France needs to tell a story
The goal was to serve the general public’s enjoyment of the race and to facilitate a better understanding of both the team tactics and individual efforts.The results have been outstanding, with a significant growth in fan engagement on all digital platforms. The...
Trustwave: 7 Experts on Database Security
The book includes insights from the following experts: Lester Godsey, City of Mesa, CISO, Securing Data Requires A Multipronged Approach >> Richard Rushing, Motorola Mobility, CISO, LLC., You Must Be Able to Verify Data and Validate...
Joel Layton: How You Know It’s Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. You need to embrace changes that can...
Anastasia Pavlova: How You Know It’s Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. You need to embrace changes that can...
Cristian Citu: How You Know It’s Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. You need to embrace changes that can...
Steven Freidkin: How You Know It’s Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. Embrace changes that can strengthen your...
Brad Orluk: How You Know It’s Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. You need to embrace changes that can...
Mike Huskins: How You Know It’s Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. You need to embrace changes that can...
Marcos Bueno: How You Know It’s Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. You need to embrace changes that can...