Jerret Lemay, SUNY Oswego, Registrar
Excellent Administration Leads To Excellent Student Service
- Deploying a degree planning solution is the first step in helping students make good choices and see the most efficient roadmaps to their academic goals.
- A system-wide solution that allows transfer students the ability to compare various interinstitution programs greatly improves student options and reduces issues.
“The first step toward good student service is to make sure your administrative functioning is in good order.”
As registrar at the Oswego campus of the State University of New York (SUNY), Jerret LeMay is proud of the way his office and team are already improving student success, and he expects that success to only grow over time. “The way I see it, the first step toward good student service is to make sure your administrative functioning is in good order,” says LeMay. “Are you setting up processes that are going to avoid problems? If there are problems, are you identifying them before anybody else notices? If you do identify them, can you remediate them? All these things really happen on the administrative side long before a student needs to pick up the phone, send out an email, or walk into the office.”