The book includes insights from the following experts:

  • Jeff Catlin, Lexalytics, CEO
  • Jon Lehto, Constant Contact, Senior Analyst
  • Helen Clegg, AT Kearney Procurement and Analytic Solutions, Text Analytics Manager
  • Gershon Bialer, SONR News, President of NLP
  • Paul Hofmann, Space-Time Insight, CTO
  • Roman Kubiak, Verizon Wireless, Senior Consultant Digital Marketing Analytics
  • Seth Grimes, Alta Plana Corporation, President and Principal Consultant
  • Alessandro Zanasi, Zanasi & Partners, Advisor in Security Research

This eBook was generously sponsored by Angoss.

Two great forces are converging on businesses all around the world. One is a tidal wave of unstructured data in the form of text, audio, images, and sensor inputs. The other is a whole new generation of data processing technology, including low-cost, scalable cloud storage of almost unlimited size, and new techniques for quickly analyzing unstructured data. The result is an
explosive growth in knowledge and insight.

Although analyzing text for insight is not new, what has changed in recent years is the ability to mine vast quantities of text—such as all the content on the Internet—and to do it quickly. This capability is profoundly changing how businesses use information to learn about markets, trade on knowledge, and refine their operations. Yet text analytics methods and techniques are rapidly changing. So, what are the best ways to extract value from text? With the generous support of Angoss, we posed the following question to 28 text analytics experts:

What advice would you give someone in your industry to get business value from text analytics?

The responses we received reflect the vibrant and evolving state of this emerging technology. One startling revelation that jumped out at me as I read these articles is that just as machine learning speeds the breadth and depth of analytical insight, machine-driven text analytics is having an extraordinary impact on the speed of human learning.

Even if you are not currently involved in text analysis, you cannot help but feel captivated by the insights this eBook contains.