Rory Alsop, Head of Information Security Risk Oversight, RBS
Shifting to Software Driven Data Protection
- As IT systems have become decentralized, there has been a shift in security strategies that focus more on information asset classification and securing the data.
- Once the app goes live, it becomes subject to continuous scanning, and there are a lot of tools that will run all the time.
“We can simply put our security wrapper around our information assets, regardless of the client environment.”
In the world of banking, there can be many connections between the bank’s systems and those of clients, service providers, and even customers. Rory Alsop, head of information security risk oversight at the Royal Bank of Scotland, explains the challenges involved in keeping data safe and ensuring systems are reliable. “Enterprises use public, private and hybrid clouds, applications that sit partially with third parties, and third parties who are part of supply chains that might be five or six companies long, each providing part of the service,” he says. “At that scale it’s not so easy to manage an information asset inventory.”