Ratnesh Sharma, Compuware, Head- Sales Operations and Business Intelligence
Critical Customer Insights Can Only Be Gained With Automation
- Automated real-time collection, processing, and analytics is the ideal scenario.
- Automation depends on more real-time analytics to gain comprehensive views into the various business departments’ data streams within an organization.
“We need an infrastructure that supports our real-time analytics. Automation is the key here.”
Customer analytics has changed drastically since data scientist Ratnesh Sharma worked as “a spreadsheet guy” on Wall Street doing financial and business analysis. Compuware, where Sharma now heads sales operations and business intelligence, resells mainframe software. Until a few years ago, it produced its solutions using the waterfall model of sequential software design and released them roughly once a year. More recently, it has transformed its processes. “Now we are completely agile,” Sharma says. “We are delivering new offerings to the customer every quarter.”