Nicole Summitt, Vice President, Marketing, Sprinklr
“Virtual definitely became a major focus area. However,the big question is, How do you stand out from the crowd? How do you do things differently? How do you build community? The key is not just to talk to your customers. Rather, it’s getting them to talk to each other.”
“Keep listening to your customers, and respond rapidly to what they want. In this way, you can share relevant content, help customers talk to each
other, and respond quickly to market changes.”
I started with Sprinklr in early January, so I was just starting in my role and working on expanding my team. The company is about ten years old: It is in that unicorn phase, trying to scale up. After being at Microsoft for several years, I was brought in to help take the company to the next level. Initially, I focused on a few activities:
• Build up a field marketing organization worldwide, including developing multiple event types and driving consistency and compliance to the brand across local markets.
• Develop local lead programs by understanding differences in markets and getting to know customer nuances.
Roughly 70 percent of what we planned was in-person events and driven by face-to-face customer engagement.