Michael Marschean, Chief Information Officer, SubCom
“Managers must manage by measuring output, by what people deliver every day.”
The biggest challenge is not a technological one but rather a people-management one.
Fortunately, we built and implemented a new infrastructure to better support remote work a month before the pandemic hit. We transitioned to work from home with no impact to the business. Minor issues arose, such as people connecting to the virtual private network. Those involved providing a bit more training and support.
Before the pandemic moved staff to working from their homes, we held a 15-minute meeting in my office every day just to talk about the challenges everyone faced. If there were open issues, we put them up on a whiteboard and kept coming back to them. The process really is not that different now, except that it’s done in remote meetings.
Managers must learn how to manage their people and not rely on IT to tell them how many bits and bytes were going back and forth between a person’s computer and the office. Managers must manage by measuring output, by what people deliver every day. Managers must talk to their direct reports every day and ask about what’s going on and what their issues are to help them maximize their productivity