Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE, President Emeritus
The Evolution Of Technology Brings Opportunities
- Using technology to increase student success requires that you first understand your students and their needs. Only by taking a holistic view of each student can institutions truly implement technologies for student success.
- Technology is evolving. To achieve longterm success through technology solutions, it’s essential to look foward and envision the technological needs of the future.
“With student success systems, institutions are making higher education’s processes more transparent so that students can see where they are; where they’re going; and, what they might need to do if they choose a different path.”
Diana Oblinger says that the technology around student success has come a long way. “Twenty years ago, the ‘technology’ that we used were called one-stop centers,” she explains. “They were physical places. Before one-stop centers, students had to hopscotch across campus trying to find an office for this, an office for that.” Today, Oblinger says, technology does the integration. For example, rather than having to go to the registrar’s office, an advisor’s office, and the financial aid office, those services are accessible online.