Dave Millner, HR Curator, Consulting Partner
“Transparency of execution is about facilitating better
performance, looking for continuous improvement,
mobilizing change, and helping people make that journey.”
In Dave Millner’s experience, high-performing business leaders always excel in four key areas, particularly in a crisis: clarity, communication, trust, and transparency of execution. Clarity is an essential quality that exceptional business leaders demonstrate in challenging times. “They are able to make sense of business problems and simplify them so that people understand what is actually going on. If you apply clarity to the situation we now find ourselves in, that’s exactly what leaders should be doing in terms of their communication: making things simple and pulling things together because
they still have access to information, networks, people, and all the resources
necessary to address the problem,” he says.
An inspiring, energetic, and enthusiastic communicator can create personal connections with people, which is essential for keeping teams productive during a crisis. “You need a leader to be an energizer. You need a leader to say, ‘Hey, this is a challenging time for us, but we can handle it. This is what we’re
going to do. This is how we’re going to do it.’ Energizers are good at creating energy in a team, making people feel good about themselves, and translating complicated material into simple sound bites that people can understand and make sense of,” he explains. This approach is even more important in a remote work setting, where team members may feel disconnected or disoriented and less productive as a result.