Beatriz Fernandez, Genesys, Manager, Digital Strategy
“One of the biggest mistakes I see is that strategy work is completely siloed from execution.”
Beatriz Fernandez knows that transparency and openness are essential to executing a flawless campaign. “It’s important to include every single department that’s going to be part of your campaign,” she says. “One of the biggest mistakes I see is that strategy work is completely siloed from execution. For example, you’ve built a beautiful campaign in a place where you haven’t even tapped into execution, so your stakeholders won’t be able to tell you what’s realistically possible and what isn’t.” If you involve everyone early in the process and eliminate that silo, however, these stakeholders will feel a certain ownership of the project and be more motivated to help it succeed.
One smart way to do this is to create a centralized system that helps your stakeholders integrate their campaign deliverables into their existing departmental workflows. “A ticketing system brings in a project manager who can help you with the timelines,” Fernandez says. “For example, if you’re working with the creative team, those timelines are important for those team members.” By providing teams with an easier way to manage their work, you can go a long way toward ensuring that your campaign launches on time and as planned.