Steven Freidkin, CEO, Ntiva, Inc
How You Know It's Time to Digitally Transform Your Business
With all the talk about digital transformation, how do you know your business is ready for change? Today’s reality is that if you’re waiting for the right time, you’re already falling behind. Technology is changing the world. Embrace changes that can strengthen your business, because your competition is already doing so. For many businesses, the big question is not if or when, but where, to start.
“Every business needs to look ahead, even if they’ve just undergone a recent transformation to one of their business processes.”
Every business needs to look ahead, even if they’ve just undergone a recent transformation to one of their business processes. You always need to look at how you’re using technology and make sure that it’s being implemented and leveraged in the most effective manner.
Well-managed, smooth-running operations are often the easiest ones to transform because the workflow does not require a complete redesign. You can focus on eliminating manual processes and removing steps to improve operational efficiencies. The more challenging transformations involve a poorly designed workflow or process. In that case you must rethink the workflow itself as you implement technology to support it.