Patty Patria, Becker College, Vice President for Information Technology
Adopt A Flexible Approach To Glean Value From Data
- Maintain a flexible approach to using analytics in the institution. If there are potential benefits to trying a new approach or technology, then try it. If it doesn’t work, try something new.
- Cloud-based technologies, like data warehousing and analytics, allow smaller institutions to employ strategies that have previous been used only by large institutions with large budgets and access to additional staff.
“The technology for analytics changes drastically, so you must continually make sure that you’re refreshing that technology.”
Patty Patria, vice president of Information Technology at Becker College, says, “We use analytics to help us more accurately forecast and target new student enrollment as well as improve retention.” In the past, Patria says her institution built homegrown dashboards in Microsoft Excel based on data extracted from their recruitment and student information systems.